
Il Data Center di Ateneo

The Green Data Center of the University of Pisa is a next-generation DataCenter facility built in San Piero a Grado (Pisa) starting from late 2016. It’s built on the latest available technologies either on Power Supply and Distribution or on Cooling facilities reaching a record PUE (Power Used Effectiveness) of 1.15/1.2. It’s 250 sqm and its computing rooms host 66 racks equipped with 2 separate power supply circuits and in-row cooling facilities. Green DataCenter hosts more than 400 latest generation servers of which a total of about 10k cores, 68Tb RAM, 55 GPU  (22 Tesla V100, 4 Tesla K80, 8 Tesla P100, 4 Tesla M40, 15 Tesla T4, 2 Xeon Phi 7210), and 2 petabytes of storage dedicated to Scientific Computing  (HPC Clusters, GPU servers, Multiprocessor Nodes) and Virtualization Services (Self Service Virtual Machine Systems and Virtual Desktops). The networking is based on the latest generation 25/100 Gb/s Ethernet switching and Infiniband/Omnipath for HPC Services. The Green DataCenter is connected to the University Network with a 200 Gb/s Fiber Network and to the GARR Network with a 10 Gb/s Link.

The Computing@Unipi service is based on the computing resources offered by the Data Center of the University of Pisa and offers its researchers the opportunity to perform intensive scientific computation through HPC clusters (with or without GPU) described above, or allocating autonomously virtual machines properly configured.

For information about the commercial software you can use on the assigned DataCenter’s computing resources, and whose licenses have been acquired by the Departments of UniPI, can be asked for at the corresponding IT Centers (“Poli informatici”).


For more information on the services offered and the request for access, please refer to the following two links (now only in Italian):